Monday, January 17, 2011

Jan 17th

Today I ran with my puppy outside, since it was a marvelous day! I'm not sure it was 2 miles (he is just a little guy) but it was probably a mile and half.   Did not time myself though

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Jan 15th

I ran 5 miles, didn't time it. I wasn't in the mood so I told myself I could just have a nice jog. I felt great after, could have kept going at that pace forever. I even passed a grandpa

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I thought that I would post themes as we are training and we can give our thoughts on them, ie Hydration, Nutrition, Music, etc. 

Today, lets talk SHOES
So, I think it's time to buy a new pair of sneaks.  My toes start to fall asleep at about a mile and 1/2.  Does this happen to you too?  I've tried tying my shoes looser and tighter but neither seem to help.  My shoes are about 2 years I guess I should just buck up and buy a pair!

Wednesday January 12, 2011

Did my 3 miler to day in 24:30.  I did the first mile in about 7:20, What?  Holla!!!  Then I hit a wall at a bout 1 and and half, slowed my pace and picked back up again around 2 and 1/2.  
Elise, I was thinking that you should come every other week (on my week off) you should come up here and run on the indoor track with you hate the treadmill sprints.   Plus we can train together, that's always motivating.  

Monday, January 10, 2011

Monday January 10th

So I've been mainly doing 3 milers because I feel like i need to push myself a little more than the 1 and 2 milers.  I have however been mixing it up.  Last thursday i ran at a slower pace for three minutes and then at a faster pace for three switching it up.  Today I worked on sprints.  I absolutely hate sprints on the treadmill.  I did 3 miles in 26 minutes.  I have to say I'm pretty pleased with my team especially since I'm not known for my speed! (and on the treadmill!) Kuddos to myself. 
I'm also surprised you don't like the 4 times a week.  I like the schedule I do feel like on my other days off I do need to do some other form of strength training and of course stretching! 


January 10, 2011

Ok, so I was bad again and didn't run on Saturday.  However, I  more than made up for it today.  I ran my 2 for today in 16:30 and then ran the other 2 from Saturday at a slower, more comfortable pace.  I was so comfortable that I just kept on running another mile.  So all in all, I did 5 miles today.  

Thursday, January 6, 2011

January 6, 2011

I ran 2 miles in 16:22 today (track).  I felt like I was going slower, and was, but I'm still quite happy with the time.  Then, because I didn't run my mile yesterday, I cooled down completely and then decided to run the mile I missed yesterday.  I didn't time it, but it was definitely slower pace than my 2 miler.  Anyhow, I decided this was a good way to keep me motivated to do all the runs.  If I miss a day, I have to do the mileage I missed on the next day I run, plus that days mileage.  I have a problem running 4 times a week....3 I can do, but four is pushing it, especially because it means I have to run two days in row.

Monday, January 3, 2011

January 3, 2011

Did my one mile in 7:48.  Again, on a treadmill.  This time with a big fat bagel in my tummy.  Not fun, but made it through.  I know I could be faster on a track or outside, but haven't been ambitious enough to do it.  I looked up my time last year for training and I was doing 2 miles in 18:40ish.  That is 9.3 minute  miles..  so I have shaved a good 2 minutes off my time.  Can't complain. 
PS, Elise!  When are you going to post...That's right, I'm calling you out!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

January 1, 2011

I ran 1.5 miles in 11:44 today, on a treadmill. As I said, I'm working on increasing my speed. Last year, in the beginning...and throughout, I had a hard time running any faster than a 6.5 on the treadmill. Today I ran at a 7.5 for a bit, upped it to above 8 and finished it out at 9. Crazy faster than last year!